A Special Holiday Thank You!
As 2024 comes to a close, we want to express our gratitude to our customers, partners, and friends for your invaluable support and collaboration. Reflecting on the year, we’re proud to say it’s been a remarkable one for HGG. We’ve grown stronger as a team and as a company, continuing to empower the steel industry with the freedom to innovate and create.
New: Join Todd Wellens in a walkthrough around the ProCutter 900 RB
Watch the new video on our ProCutter 900 RB. Join Todd Wellens on a tour on it’s compact design, precise cutting and versatile logistics.
In conversation with: Jasper ten Hove
HGG is growing full steam ahead! We sat down with, Jasper ten Hove – R&D/Software Engineer, to learn about his motivations in his work.
ProCutter 900 RB: The Heartbeat of the shop
Cutting with precision and accuracy is an integral part of any metal fabrication enterprise – and for good reason. A clean, exact cut makes for more accurate welding and less time spent grinding and refitting. But, getting that quality cut is no easy task.
Improving versatility through automation with the RoboRail
For SL Chasse Steel (SLCS), a fabricator in Hudson, N.H., the business has always been about delivering timely, quality parts for two very different groups of customers, structural steel and miscellaneous metals.
SPC 3000: Perform Perfect Hole Cutting and Fewer Secondary Finishing
Our SPC 1500-3000 PT cutting machine and SPC 1500 – 3000 Vesselhead profiler provide a clean operation using plasma or oxyfuel to perform the programmed cuts and is capable of ink, punch, and plasma marking depending on the application.
Transforming Pipe Fabrication workflows with PypeServer and ProCAM
Starting from 2023, PypeServer’s Enterprise™ software became compatible for all HGG’s pipe profiling machines alongside HGG’s proven ProCAM™ software.
ProCAM Software Suite Developed For Profilers By Profilers
Designed in house, our ProCAM software uses HGG’s 40 years of 3D profiling knowledge and synthesizes it into a software system designed to maximize throughput and material usage, saving users both time and money.